Intention Living
for...Identity, Purpose, and Boundaries
Intention Living classes and coaching focuses on these areas:
Intention Living classes and coaching focuses on these areas:
- Experiencing healthier levels of self-esteem
Do you often feel less than or better than others?
Do you often feel less than or better than others?
- Setting healthier boundaries
Do you have difficulty knowing when to say "yes," "no," or "not now" without guilt, fear or resentment?
Do you have difficulty knowing when to say "yes," "no," or "not now" without guilt, fear or resentment?
- Living in your reality
Can you acknowledge the truth of your reality without minimizing, exaggerating or avoiding your situation (weight, finances, housing, health, nature of your relationships, etc.)?
Can you acknowledge the truth of your reality without minimizing, exaggerating or avoiding your situation (weight, finances, housing, health, nature of your relationships, etc.)?
- Acknowledging and meeting your own wants and needs
Do you have difficulty knowing and meeting your wants and needs?
Do you have difficulty knowing and meeting your wants and needs?
- Living in moderation and staying out of the extremes
Does life feel too busy, chaotic or extreme?
Does life feel too busy, chaotic or extreme?
What I believe...
What I believe...
My personal belief is that everyone wrestles with these topics to some degree. If you would like help with one or more of these areas, and would like help living in your true identity as a child of God, contact Bonnie Davis for more information.
My personal belief is that everyone wrestles with these topics to some degree. If you would like help with one or more of these areas, and would like help living in your true identity as a child of God, contact Bonnie Davis for more information.